Rebrand Money Lover

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Money Lover is one of my favourite finance app which helps to get money things managed in an easy way. However, there is no strong image built with the brand. Money Lover should be more than a finance app but also is updated and beautiful. Illustration will be one of the popular UI design trends in the marketplace that create connection with audiences easily so why don’t us just try it out in Money Lover app? Apart from this, I will make green and yellow to be the brand image intensively and the design elements will be lines and small texts to make it looks simple, clean and modern.

The Old Design

Image from

The New Design

Category Page

In category page, users can add their expenses and income by tabbing the plus sign button easily. The balance between income and expenses will be calculated automatically to give users a quick review of their financial status. The recent transaction section is accessible and let users to check it out quickly.

Transactions and Report

In transaction page, users can decide to see only their outflow transaction or inflow transaction and even all transactions sorted by year, month and weeks. The transactions will be categorised into food, travel or others automatically according to the descriptions for the transactions and users can adjust this anytime.

In report page, the data is visualised into line chart to show the transaction trends for users. However, users can click chart button to change it into pie chart. The line can show the data for expenses transactions or income transactions only or even both of them to let users keep track of their transactions visually.

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Product Design (UI/UX)

Graphic Design